

Catholic speaker Ken Yasinski explains growing in holiness by looking at the example of the Saints. The problem is Catholic Saints often seem unrelate-able? We are all called to heaven, but the saints lives sometimes seems very different than our own. Roman Catholic Churches teaching of the Universal called to holiness seems out of reach. Can we become a saint? Is holiness possible for all? This question has to be at the top our list. Why? Because it is directly related to getting to heaven! Becoming a saint The second Vatican council taught something called, “The Universal Call To Holiness?” This means God’s call everyone to a life of holiness. The problem is that is sounds good in theory. It looks good in scripture, it looks good in the catechism of the Catholic Church, but when it comes to our lived experience, it seems so far out of reach. Our image of holiness is often formed by the stories of the great saints of the Church, many of whom were priest or religious, many of which were great mystics, many of which who suffered for the sake of Christ, many of whom were martyrs for the faith. After looking at their exemplar lives of holiness, our conclusion is, “I could never be holy! My day to day life, resembles nothing of someone who lived many years ago and with such heroic virtue. Nor, am I not a priest or religious sister.” God does not want us to copy cat the lives of the saints, but emulate their lives. A great starting point is to ask, what decisions did all the saints make that lead them to become holy, that lead them to heaven? This is a great starting point to becoming a saint. When we ask this questions, we will see the holiness leaves clues. How to become a saint? All the Saints of the Catholic church made decisions that were common with each other. All saints had a regular prayer life. All saints gave the Eucharist and mass a great priority in their life. All saints, accepted the teaching authority of the Catholic Church. Now if these decisions lead them to grow in holiness, we can trust these decisions will lead to heaven for ourselves. The Saints example reveal to us a path of holiness that has been proven. We they have reach their eternal reward. It would seem foolish then to make up our own path of holiness, that no saint of the Church every walked down! In the end it is heaven or hell. The Saints of the Catholic church show us the road to heaven. Their lives are beautiful models of sanctity. Holiness leaves clues. You see, growing in holiness is simple, it's just not easy! What is holiness so important? Because only saints go to heaven! Heaven is not for nice people. Heaven is not for good people. Heaven is for saints only! So with in mind, we should spend our life, seeking to do God's will and grow in holiness. This is the purpose of our life!




The Sacraments